evergreen recycling s.r.o.

Komenského 6331/1C, 929 01 Dunajská Streda
Slovakei Slovakei

Mitarbeiter Informationen

Nützliche Kontakte
Alexander Simon Sales Manager
Unternehmen Beschreibung

Our company forwards several hundred thousand tons of paper to recycling, and takes part in numerous tree-planting projects in the Slovakian woods. As a key actor of recycling economy, we wish to achieve that the least part of emitted waste end up in landfills, instead, an ever bigger amount be recycled. Considering sustainability, we serve as a bridge, at the same time, we keep in mind that the dynamic development of our company should not burden
the environment. Thus, we pay special attention to the process of waste management: We perform
waste collection with a car park meeting the highest emission norms, so as to emit the least possible amount of greenhouse gas.

MRF Unternehmensdetails

Art der Recycelten Materialien
Kunststoff, Papier, Metall
Privat, Kommerziell, Gewerblich
Montag bis Freitag: 09:00~16:00
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